Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Glacier National Park

Athabasca Glacier scree*

Lake Agnes Tea Glacier Lake (above Lake Louise)

Num Ta Jah Lodge, Base of Bow Falls/Bow Glacier on Columbia Ice Field (Stony Plain Indians)

Moraine Lake scree from "moriane" push by glaciers then pulverized

*Scree is a collection of broken rock fragments at the base of crags, mountain cliffs, volcanoes or valley shoulders that has accumulated through periodic rockfall from adjacent cliff faces. Landforms associated with these materials are often called talus deposits. Talus deposits typically have a concave upwards form, while the maximum inclination corresponds to the angle of repose of the mean debris size.


I only have a sand collection because of the very generous friends and coworkers I have! They travel and bring me some incredible bags of sand! Jim even gave me a detailed map!

Tanana River, Alaska

Chena Marina, Alaska
Koole Lake, Alaska
The North Pole
Santa Claus House

Sunday, December 17, 2017

How a grain of sand changed my life: Jenny Natusch

sandglazer website

The £1,000 grain of sand from Morecambe

Forest of the Weird

Sant Ocean Hall

Sant Ocean Hall - The Sant Ocean Hall is the National Museum of Natural History's largest exhibit, providing visitors with a unique and breathtaking introduction to the majesty of the ocean. The hall's combination of 674 marine specimens and models, high-definition video, and the newest technology allows visitors to explore the ocean's past, present, and future.